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Rest homes
Woburn Home
Residents of Enliven's popular Woburn Home enjoy the engaging and friendly community atmosphere. Woburn Home offers rest home and hospital level care, secure dementia care and independent rental units.
Reevedon Home
Situated in Sailsbury Street, close to Levin's main shopping centre, there's always something happening at Enliven's Reevedon Home. This vibrant home offers rest home care.
Levin Home for War Veterans
Levin Home for War Veterans is passionate about supporting elders who have cared for our country and even fought for our freedom. This unique home offers rest home and hospital level care, secure dementia care and independent rental units.
Kōwhainui Home
Enliven's Kowhainui Home is a well known and popular home in the prestigious suburb of Otamatea. Kowhainui Home offers rest home and hospital level care, as well as independent rental units.
Huntleigh Home
Enliven's popular Huntleigh Home in Karori offers modern, vibrant and warm rest home living. This comfortable home offers rest home and hospital level care.
Coombrae Home
Enliven's warm and welcoming Coombrae Home boasts a tranquil semi-rural outlook and lively atmosphere. Coombrae Home offers rest home level care and specialist dementia care.
Chalmers Home
Enliven's modern Chalmers Home overlooks the beautiful Tasman Sea and Mount Taranaki to the East. This warm and welcoming home offers rest home and hospital level care.
Longview Home
The atmosphere at Longview Home is easy-going, warm and friendly. Situated on lovely grounds with panoramic views across Tawa, Longview Home offers rest home and hospital care.