Covid-19 update for residents and families

Our Covid-19 world is changing here in Aotearoa. Last night at 11.59pm the Covid-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system) was removed. 

So, what does that mean for residents of Enliven homes and villages, and their visitors?

The good news is – all Enliven homes and villages are now open to visitors and most restrictions have been removed. We are so pleased to have families, friends and community members back into our homes!

While the lifting of the traffic light system has seen a significant reduction in the mandated protection measures, for aged care there are still some protections in place.

Here are the things you need to know:  

Face masks

  • All visitors (including school age children) and staff at any aged residential care facility must continue to wear a face mask. (This Government mandate is also a requirement at other healthcare facilities like hospitals, medical centres and pharmacies).
  • Visitors at Enliven’s villages are not required to wear a mask, however staff will continue to do so.
  • Wearing a mask remains one of the best measures to reduce transmission of infectious respiratory illnesses, including Covid-19 and the flu.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT)

  • RATs are no longer a requirement for visitors to Enliven homes.
  • Surveillance testing of residents will be undertaken when there are suspected or known Covid-19 cases in the home.
  • Only people who test positive for Covid-19, not their household contacts, are required to isolate for seven days. If you are a household contact, you should take a RAT every day for five days. So long as you test negative, you can continue to visit Enliven homes provided you are wearing a mask.

Visiting at Enliven homes

  • Visitors, wearing a mask of course, can now access the shared spaces in the home.
  • If you’re unwell or have been sick in the last 48 hours, please do not visit Enliven homes.
  • Children are welcome to visit, but please keep them away if there are outbreaks of any illness at their school or early childhood education centre. All school-aged children must wear a mask when visiting.

Anti-viral medication

  • Anti-viral medicines will be available for free to any New Zealander, aged 65 and over, or to any Māori or Pacific Peoples aged 50 and over, who tests positive for Covid-19. 
  • As previously, for residents of Enliven homes, anti-viral medication will be made available by our visiting GP or Nurse Practitioner based on the clinical risk assessment. For residents of Enliven’s villages, you will need to contact your medical centre.


  • The vaccine mandate for health and disability workers will end at 11:59pm on Monday 26 September 2022. 
  • The Government’s current advice is that some employers may still require workers to be vaccinated due to their responsibilities under health and safety legislation. PSC’s Covid-19 Response Team will work through what this means for us. We will keep you updated.

Outbreak management practices

During an outbreak of any infectious illness, like Covid-19 or Norovirus, we may need to temporarily close to visitors. This will allow the team to concentrate entirely on providing the best possible care and support to residents and significantly help with infection control.

Thank you

We thank you for your patience and understanding during a challenging couple of years! We ask that you continue to be kind and understanding towards Enliven staff as the global recruitment challenges remain an issue across our homes and the health sector.

PSC Covid-19 Response Team.

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