Levin Home for War Veterans, Levin

  • LocationCnr of Prouse & Matai Street, Levin | Postal: Levin Home for War Veterans, Private Bag 4001, Levin 5540
  • Size6 neighbourhoods (maximum of 74 residents)
  • FeaturesPets welcome, full Eden Alternative certification
  • ManagerJo Grant
  • Call us06 366 0052
Rest Home
Hospital Care
Dementia care
Health Recovery
Day programmes

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Personal details

Levin Home for War Veterans is a rest home with a difference. This friendly and comfortable home has a rich history and a vibrant future.

Your place. Your space.

Residents of Levin Home for War Veterans enjoy the well-appointed rooms, some of which include an ensuite bathroom and/or kitchenette.

Residents are invited to set up your room just how they like it. We encourage them to bring along their own familiar things that make them feel at home (you can even bring your pet!)

Many residents bring items such as photographs, artwork, ornaments, bed covers and even favourite pieces of furniture. Some rooms are large enough to accommodate a television, stereo, radio, dressing tables or other furniture.

View care costs and funding.


A special kind of care.

Levin Home for War Veterans offers rest home, hospital and dementia care, short-term respite and health recovery care and a small number of independent living rental units for retirees.

At Levin Home we embrace Enliven’s philosophy of care. We have full Eden Alternative certification which means we take every opportunity to make sure elders have companionship, spontaneity, fun, meaningful activity and a sense of purpose in their lives.

Our unique and practical approach to dementia care supports us to interact with residents in a way that keeps them connected to the world around them. It often results in improvement in language, memory, self-esteem and social interactions.

Why choose an Enliven home?

There are many reasons people give for choosing an Enliven home. Find out more about what makes Enliven home’s unique.

Positive ageing services

Enliven offers a range of services for older people across the lower North Island. This includes independent retirement living, rest home, hospital and dementia care, health support services such as tai chi classes and continence products and assessment and an online shop stocked with products specifically for over 65s.

Levin Home residents say:
