General Practitioner Dr Teresa Matuszewska and Nurse Practitioner Nasim Bi have recently joined Enliven in two new roles to provide consistency of medical services in its Wellington homes.
In April Dr Teresa and Nasim began providing medical services to Woburn Home in Lower Hutt; Longview Home in Tawa; Huntleigh Home in Karori and Cashmere Home and Cashmere Heights Home in Johnsonville.
“This GP/Nurse Practitioner partnership is an innovative programme introduced to help support our homes to provide consistent and holistic care to our residents,” says Enliven business operations manager Suzanne Simpson.
Dr Teresa and Nasim are no strangers to some of the Enliven Wellington homes. Dr Teresa has worked as a GP in some of the homes for about 11 years.
Nasim joined Enliven in 2011 as a nurse at Cashmere Heights Home. While she was completing her Nurse Practitioner training she worked across the Wellington Enliven homes for more than two years.
“Both Dr Teresa and Nasim come with a wealth of experience that will bring expert clinical management and support for the residents,” Suzanne says.
Dr Teresa says under the new role her regular visits to the residents will continue, but she and Nasim will now be available out of hours if needed.
“We are on call to them 24/7.”
Nasim explains that this is not always an option when a home is dealing with a GP or a Nurse Practitioner from an external practice.
“When you have to contact a GP, you still have to go through the medical centre,” she says. “With these roles if there is an emergency on the weekend we can go into the homes if needed.”
Bringing the two roles under Enliven also means more consistent care. Nasim says some of the homes would previously have to deal with many different GPs coming in for visits over short periods of time.