Experienced health care assistant values Enliven’s resident-centred approach

Enliven provides flexibility for residents and staff alike says experienced aged care worker Hayley Wilson. 

Hayley has worked in aged care for almost 20 years, the last year spent as a health care assistant at Enliven’s Chalmers Home in New Plymouth. 

She says Chalmers Home is different from other aged care facilities she has worked at in that it takes more of a resident-centred approach.  

“They are more about what the resident wants and trying to work with the resident instead of trying to make the resident fit into the facility.” 

Enliven’s philosophy of care is based on the internationally recognised Eden Alternative, which puts residents at the heart of everything.  

Everyone has different experiences, interests, ambitions, and spiritual practices – and Enliven endeavours to help residents maintain the regular routines that help them thrive. 

Hayley says that doesn’t just go for residents, but staff as well, with Enliven doing its best to craft work schedules to fit around the lives of its staff. 

“They think about the whole thing not just work is work and that’s it. They like to be holistic and involve the whole whānau.” 

Part of Hayley’s role as a senior caregiver is to work as an intermediary between the registered nurses and other caregivers. 

She also helps residents by distributing medication, doing checks such as blood glucose levels and blood pressure, and attending to a variety of other needs. 

Throughout her career Hayley has continued to upskill. She has a level four Certificate in Health and Wellbeing and is working her way through an assessor’s course. 

“I always wanted to do more, I didn’t want to be a nurse, but I do want to do extra stuff. It keeps me interested.”  

Enliven currently has a range of roles available across multiple disciplines. If you, or someone you know is looking for a fun and rewarding role, visit enlivencentral.org.nz/work-for-enliven

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